MagRes Group
Welcome to our group
We are interested in exploring quantum mechanical phenomena in nuclear and electron spins and using those for material characterization and quantum sensing.
We design radio frequency (RF) and microwave (µw) pulse sequences using a combination of quantum mechanical calculations and numerical simulations to probe specific interactions involving spins. As the spin interactions are sensitive to the local environment, structure, and dynamics, we use Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) to characterize materials. Our target materials include battery electrodes and electrolytes, solid catalysts, solar energy harvesting materials, supplementary cement materials, cementless binders, and soil.
In quantum sensing projects, we are interested in optically active paramagnetic systems such as defects in diamonds, SiC, hBN, etc. We use EPR and NMR to characterize the defect density and coherence times and combine them with DNP to perform quantum-enhanced NMR experiments. Organic chromophores-based singlet fission materials are being pursued to enable DNP at ambient conditions.
We are open to collaboration and discussions on related topics with academics, industries as well as anyone who is curious. Apart from science, we enjoy regular group outings, cooking together and of course eating it.
Recent updates
Congratulations Shubham for his first publication in JMRO!
Suraj gave an Emerging Researchers Lecture at the MTMM (IV) and SIMs (III) international conference in Nov 2024.
Isha and Suraj presented their poster at the LaFICS workshop at SSCU.
Nikita gave a contributory talk at the ISMS 2024 hosted by CURAJ.
Dr. Yusuke Nishiyama (Senior Researcher at JEOL Ltd.) visited our lab. ​​​​​